Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 3: Simplify query and mutations 0 (0)

Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 3: Simplify query and mutations 0 (0)

In recent posts we discussed about creating a simple query and mutation. We used query to read the posts from posts table and mutation to create or update

Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 2: How to create and use mutation 0 (0)

Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 2: How to create and use mutation 0 (0)

Earlier we talked about creating and reading the posts using query. Today we will discuss creating new posts using Graphql. To learn more about creating query in graphql,

Magento2 How to create a custom GraphQL – Part1: Create a simple graphql query 4 (1)

Magento2 How to create a custom GraphQL – Part1: Create a simple graphql query 4 (1)

GraphQL is a query language for APIs, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more. GraphQL uses mutations to perform CRUD operations.