Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 3: Simplify query and mutations 0 (0)

Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 3: Simplify query and mutations 0 (0)

In recent posts we discussed about creating a simple query and mutation. We used query to read the posts from posts table and mutation to create or update

Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 2: How to create and use mutation 0 (0)

Create a Custom GraphQl in Magento 2 – Part 2: How to create and use mutation 0 (0)

Earlier we talked about creating and reading the posts using query. Today we will discuss creating new posts using Graphql. To learn more about creating query in graphql,

Magento2 – How to authenticate customer by email 0 (0)

Magento2 – How to authenticate customer by email 0 (0)

To authenticate customer using email and password, create an instance of \Magento\Customer\Api\AccountManagementInterface class and call authenticate(..) method. The authenticate method requires email and password parameters.

Magento2 How to create a custom GraphQL – Part1: Create a simple graphql query 4 (1)

Magento2 How to create a custom GraphQL – Part1: Create a simple graphql query 4 (1)

GraphQL is a query language for APIs, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more. GraphQL uses mutations to perform CRUD operations.

Magento2 How to create a custom rest API 0 (0)

Magento2 How to create a custom rest API 0 (0)

Today we will talk about creating a custom REST API for your magento store. Before proceeding we assume you have already created a module and familiar with the