Add a tab in customer dashboard in Magento 2
Customers can manage and view their activities from account dashboard. The customer dashboard consists of several sections like “My Accounts”, “Orders” and “addresses” etc. Sometimes a store owner
Create a popup login modal in Magento 2
Today we will talk about customizing the magento login functionality. We can make it more easier and quicker for customers to login to the website directly from same
Magento2 – How to authenticate customer by email
To authenticate customer using email and password, create an instance of \Magento\Customer\Api\AccountManagementInterface class and call authenticate(..) method. The authenticate method requires email and password parameters.
Magento2 How to add customer attribute
Magento 2.3 introduces the new way to modify data using Data and schema patches. To add customer attribute we will implement \Magento\Framework\Setup\Patch\DataPatchInterface. Create a class CustomerCustomAttributePatcher in your